August 11, 2013

Chennai Express (2013) - Review

The King of Romance is not the King of Comedy but it was a not an attempt that has gone in vain! For some, Deepika's good looks might have compensated for horrible Tamil accent!  Nevertheless, the film having the Ready Steady Po tag line takes off at a steady pace. The film is funny at most places, lame at a few instances. SRKs dialogue delivery & acting can never be questioned. He is the King Khan!!!! The songs are fun, vibrant and colorful with a Tamilian touch which is pleasant to the ear.  

Given the script, I think the characters have done their bit! Chennai Express, atleast for SRK Fans is definitely a watch... Because, we love the man for what he is  It was nice seeing some well known actors from the Tamil Film Industry. Moreover, having an upper hand of understanding the Tamil in the film made my movie viewing experience more enjoyable!  

Go for it, guys!!! Enjoy the ride!!!!

August 8, 2013

A Literary Refugee

I am your Master
You!... not my Slave!!

I enlighten your mind and
nourish your soul

Having burried your fears aside
You come to Me
Take refuge in Me
All you want is to break-free
From what IS

You crave for more....
....I give you more

You smile :)
Thereby making me happy

Let me import you to my world
that is Surreal
Let's travel together
Whilst our spines
are wound to one another

For it is NOT you
Who has chosen me

Certainly, it is 
Me who has Chosen You